Saturday, February 22, 2020

Philosophy assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Philosophy assignment - Essay Example In his writing, Allegory of the Cave, found in The Republic, Plato referred to mimics as artificial replicas of certain real things. Next, based on discussion, explain how Plato might respond to this problem, and explain how this rebuttal nevertheless leads to the second problem of the so-called â€Å"participation problem† in respect to the Theory of the forms. From the discussion above, Plato would have concurred with the theory of form by insisting that whatever people see on earth are unreal and there exists a perfect world. Plato would have emphasized that forms on earth and the perfect world do have a connection since they mimic each other (Nigel 46). 2. (a.) Explain Aristotle’s view of the form/ matter relationship. How does this differ from Plato’s theory of the forms and Plato’s view of the mind body relationship? Aristotle rejected Plato’s theory of Forms and introduced his empirical approach that first emphasized on observation and second on reasoning. In being a student at Plato’s academy and having critically analyzed the Theory of forms, Aristotle provides a detailed argument. Aristotle’s theory more so asserts the superiority of universals to particulars. In relation to Plato that argues that particulars for example beauty exists only because they contribute or participate in the given universal form of Beauty. In accordance to Aristotle, universal concepts of let’s say beauty derive from various instances of beauty in the world (Nigel 67). He argues that the conception of beauty could only be arrived at by observing particular instances of the given beauty plus the universal quality of beauty got no existence beyond that conception that people build from the given particular instances. He more so emphasizes on the need of observing details of this world. He adds that particulars come first followed by universals. Next, explain what implications this view has for the possibility of immortali ty (Life after death). Finally, explain how we come to know forms in Aristotle’s sense of â€Å"forms,† according to Aristotle. How does this involve both the senses and reason? Aristotle defined the given soul as an animating form of a given living body. Hence, from his thinking, the soul cannot exist then separate from a body. Aristotle defines the soul as the animating form of a living body. Aristotle arguments moreso revolves around this concept. Furthermore, Aristotle admits that most of a given soul’s affection, for instance desire, anger, and perception, entirely depend on a given body plus are inconceivable (Nigel 89). Aristotle in his argument leaves open for more to think about the soul’s thinking being independent of a given body, and adds that the soul could be separated from the body. 3. Based on the reading from Nichomachean Ethics in Pojman and class discussion, explain Aristotle’s view that â€Å"ethics† are defined in terms of what produces â€Å"happiness.† What does happiness mean for Aristotle, in relation to human nature in all of its dimensions? Aristotle states that humans can arrive at a given moral virtue primarily via practice and people get limited moral values just by studying texts. He considers moral virtues not quite essentially different compared to other forms of excellence. The view totally makes sense especially when considering the moral virtue that is not essentially that different from other excellence forms. He more so emph

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

European Integration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

European Integration - Research Paper Example The Second World War had ended in 1945 and the effects were devastating. The economies were shattered, there was resentment against the enemies, people died etc. Generally, the outcomes of the war were negative. Therefore, there was a need for reconciliation and this need was able to bring forth the idea of European integration. The national governments saw that the enmity that had taken them to war had to be buried with the end of the war and forge new relations through integration and union. This was a rational choice in deed. The idea of European integration, in turn, led to the formation of the European Council in 1949. The University of Zurich Speech offered by Winston Churchill in 1949 called for the creation of the United States of Europe through the institutionalization of the Council of Europe (Wendell, 1998). This speech called on the European states to make rational choices and integrate their efforts to the formation of the European Council. The Council’s main achi evement was seen in 1950, exactly one year after inception when it held the first European Convention on Human Rights where the European Court of Human Rights was formed and stationed in Strasbourg. This court was to be the major de facto Supreme Court for both the human rights and fundamental freedoms throughout the entire Europe. Other institutions that have since been conceived under the European Union have been the Committee for the Prevention of Torture and the European Social Charter which help protect the human right throughout Europe. (Cini, 2007: pp86-89). It is important to note that the European Council holds most of its conventions which are mostly focused on the achievement of legal integration. The legal integration is possible through conventions on legal assistance on issues such as corruption, doping in sports, money laundering and internet crimes among other legal issues. There has also been cultural cooperation under the council. For instance, the 1954 Cultural Convention and other subsequent conventions which focused on issues such as university studies and diplomas as well as the development of minority languages was a clear demonstration of Cultural integration and cooperation. The member state had to cooperate to support this initiative of cultural integration under the umbrella of the European Coun